
Download VanDyke SecureFX
Download VanDyke SecureFX

Quickly find the files you want to work with using the filter view, bookmarks, and the address bar.

download VanDyke SecureFX

Drag and drop files to start transfers (Windows only), even between SecureFX and applications like WinZip. Connect to sessions from the main application window using the Connect bar, then organize those sessions with the easy-to-learn tabbed interface.

download VanDyke SecureFX

Transfer files across networks and the internet with a choice of SFTP over SSH2, FTP over TLS, SCP, or FTP for access to legacy systems. Maintain file systems and documents securely. SecureCRT supports secure file transfers via Xmodem, Zmodem, Ymodem, Kermit.

download VanDyke SecureFX

SecureCRT is ideal for securely connecting to remote systems running Windows, UNIX, and VMS. SecureCRT is an extremely customizable terminal emulator with support for Secure Shell (SSH) as well as Telnet, Telnet/TLS, and serial protocols.

Download VanDyke SecureFX